Tepeaca "Caliza y Arcilla" (México)

Monterey, Puebla, Mexico

Certified Silver through 2023

Project Name
Project Type
Recuperación de matorral autóctono
Restauración ambiental comunitaria (PRAC Tecali de Herrera)
Awareness & Community Engagement

About the Program
Less than 100 miles east of Mexico City lies Puebla, where a number of CEMEX operations are located. CEMEX is a multi-national building materials company headquartered in Mexico that predominately manufactures and distributes cement and concrete. In this location, they conserve nearly three acres of forests and landscaped habitats along with promoting education and awareness opportunities for local students. The goals of their efforts are to restore the limestone quarry through reforestation with native species and other ways to improve soil, water filtration and habitat and to develop an improved understanding and practice of sustainable agriculture among students and community members within the region.

Practices and Impacts

Restauración ambiental comunitaria (PRAC Tecali de Herrera)

  • Since September, about 50 students participate each month of the year by planting native agricultural species, using gardening tools and measuring water quality. 
  • Participant learning is assessed through surveys, with results showing students’ improved understanding of natural resources and the origin of environmental problems and solutions. 
  • An evaluation of the different activities, task completion, participation and results is intended to be used to enhance content and learning experiences. 
 Recuperación de matorral autóctono
  • Since February 2019, a forest habitat has been managed and maintained to now cover nearly 2.5 acres including four native species: smooth mesquite, Pueblo juniper, green maguey and yellow trumpetbush.
  • The newly expanded area replaces poor quality soil from a limestone quarry through reforestation that will reduce erosion and ineffective water filtration.
  • By monitoring wildlife and trees, the project has been successful in promoting biological diversity and aims to improve by planting more appropriate trees with respect to canopy cover and the ability to attract wildlife.
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